Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Actual Play Wednesday - The Corvette of Sir Hlimé

The Corvette of  Sir Hlimé back in its glory days 

The party managed to get to engineering despite several attempts on their lives by the type B imps. Several death traps awaited them including a desintgrator beam & a repeating cross bow. 
Finally they came to three dur-steel doors . They were confused because the door should have been opened because of the opening of the vault last game??! 
The door was an illusion created by the combination of several imps which shocked one of the players for 1d8 points of damage even as he carved two of the imps which grabbed his arm. 
I had several surprises waiting for the party in engineering itself. 

Three of the cat walks in engineering had mono wire & glass strung about them. Several skill rolls later the party made it through. There were bombs planted on some of the reactor controls as well. They caught sight of several of the imps who flinged demonic poo at their enemies & gave them the finger several times. 
The party finally managed to worm their way into engineering & then into the tomb of the Genesis Knight.The ceiling was covered in psi crystal & a ghostly image of the knight appeared to the party demanding to know their intentions. The knight charged them with restoring his linage & legacy.
  Suddenly the ships pitched several times as the imps attempted to roll the character's ship & the corvette which were still linked in hyperspace. A couple of lucky dexterity rolls enabled the character escape the worst of the damage. The knight's tomb itself opened & bathed the entire scene in glowing blue white light banishing the worst of the demonic influence for a few moments.
  Just then a section of ceiling opened up & down came an Eye Of Mekiria!
Eye Of Mekiria
No. Enc.: 1-2
Alignment: any
Move: Fly 240' (80')
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 16
Attacks: see below
Damage: see below
Morale: 12
A foul creation of a splinter of the Spocery guild this fungal monster attacks with 
1- Disintegrator Ray (Disintegrate, Range: 60’) & 2. Death Ray (Range: 60’)
The monster also has a powerful  Force Field
Its final weapon is a set of acidic 
Nerve Gas (Save vs. Poison) spores
The creature will explode if half of its hit points are destroyed for 1d10 points of explosive gas damage.
These fiends are quite intelligent & will try to engage in conversation if it knows its dying to buy time as it prepares to explode.
After a protracted fight the party was able to finally kill it after 2 hours real time. The monster was battered & told the tale of the knight having fought hundreds of battles against a splice of the Sporcery Guild whose evil was known throughout the universe. The knight's brother had sided with the guild & had been turned into a fungal lich for his support. Other brother suffered from a curse laid on him by an evil mad scientist & imps continued to plague his ship & the undead souls aboard who could never rest.The party dispatched the monster with several energy weapons making sure to destroy every last little bit!
The party's attention was taken by something glowing above in the roof chamber. After several protracted rolls they recovered an amulet of demonic summoning. After activating it they were able to banish the imps entirely( who had laid several other traps aboard)

Finally they climbed back up to engineering by squeezing through a secret door in the ceiling chamber just as the com rang. The mad scientist & his Pe Choi cohort demanded an explanation on the details of the party's demise. The party immediately blacked out the camera & in their best squeaky voices imitated the various imps.  After several charisma rolls & saving throws they found out where the renegades from the Spocery Guild were in an abandoned hyperspace fuel station. The spocery guild demanded that the party's ship be flown there & after some explanations of what was happening aboard. They lied of course.
The party found the left over remains of some kenetic kill weapons aboard & attached them to a hyper space probe which was released into hyper space.

The following was recovered from the tomb of  Sir Hlimé :
  1. Several cut psi crystals with Sir Hlimé memories embedded in them
  2. A family history including titles, lands, letters of credit, & other documents
  3. A broken shield with some very odd maps carved into the outside of the shield 
  4. A small reactor drone used to power the knight's power armor/space armor 
  5. A strange psi sword with some odd traps built into it 
  6. Several Holy symbols of Sir Hlimé's religion 
  7. A bag of gems 
  8. A scrying stone that views odd higher dimensions 
Handed out 8,000 experience which I haven't done since the start of this blog & campaign

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